Check out these photos from the 4/26 Career Day where we learned about a wide range of careers from first-hand accounts. We thank all the adults who took time out of their day to teach us about what they do! MECA’s students are now one step closer to a successful future.
Health Scholar Assistant, Yolanda Leano, presents about her career (and her dog).
Health Program Manager, Drea Na, takes over with excitement.
Associate Designer, Sabrina Hernandez, discusses the fashion industry.
CEO, Drexel L. Smith, converses with sophomore Tara Phapornchai after the presentation.
Architect, Jim DiCamillo, poses a question to his audience.
David Sprague’s racecar drives into campus.
David Sprague explains how he picked up racecar driving again.
Adolescent Treatment Center Director of Admissions, Kurtis Girard, discusses his time on the reality tv show Intervention.
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Caryn Gerstenberger, answers questions with enthusiasm.
Pharmacy Supervisor, Catherine Bell, gushes about her job.
Special Effects Artist, Charles Price, shoots a cannon of fake snow over a mesmerized audience.
Health Hearing Specialist, Frank Strong, describes his career.
R&D Engineer, Robert Nguyen?, points to a map of different types of engineers.
Sustaining Engineer, Nathan Nguyen, answers student questions.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Ashlyn Cherry, tells a story to her audience.
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