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Academically Inclined, Journalistically Refined

The Academy Chronicle

Academically Inclined, Journalistically Refined

The Academy Chronicle

Academically Inclined, Journalistically Refined

The Academy Chronicle

Lauryn Marin, Staff Reporter

Lauryn Marin is a Staff Writer on The Academy Chronicle. This is her first year of journalism as a freshman at Mt SAC ECA. Lauryn is very passionate in everything she does, especially her hobbies which include  listening to music, reading, and writing. She’s also very involved in the school community. She is a part of the Academic Decathlon and the Book Club. Though she’s only a freshman, she has her future plans set out. Lauryn wants to be a book editor or music producer. She also wants to go to university to pursue her degree in English and psychology.

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Lauryn Marin