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Academically Inclined, Journalistically Refined

The Academy Chronicle

Academically Inclined, Journalistically Refined

The Academy Chronicle

Academically Inclined, Journalistically Refined

The Academy Chronicle

Jennifer Ngo, Staff Reporter

The world of journaling is where Jennifer Ngo, now a freshman at Mt. SAC Early College Academy, discovered an unexpected source of solace and self-discovery. For Jennifer, writing helped her understand her emotions during a time when the world was out of reach.

Reflecting on her journaling journey, Jennifer shares, “During the pandemic, I felt like I couldn’t communicate my feelings effectively to anyone…That’s when I started journaling. I could express thoughts and emotions I couldn’t put into spoken words.”

Jennifer’s journaling became her peaceful practice during those uncertain times.

In addition, Jennifer’s love for singing has been a lifelong journey. From the age of five, she has had the joy of expressing herself through song. It was casual karaoke that sparked her interest.

“I remember coming home from school one day and doing karaoke,” Jennifer gushes with a smile, “and I was thinking, ‘I feel confident doing this!’” 

Over the years, Jennifer’s dedication to singing has grown, and she has learned to embrace the challenge of honing her vocal skills and exploring all musical genres. Whether it’s pop or sad songs, Jennifer finds joy in singing.

Jennifer continues to balance her academic pursuits with her passions for journaling and singing. These creative outlets have not only allowed her to express herself but have also empowered her to grow as an individual.

All content by Jennifer Ngo
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Jennifer Ngo