At only fourteen years old, Makenna Chung has already accomplished so much here at Mt. SAC Early College Academy (MECA). From school to cinema, Makenna has a wide range of interests and goals setting her apart as an interesting and excellent student.
Makenna’s initial interest in applying to MECA stemmed from her two older sisters, Katelyn Chung and Michaela Chung. Michaela graduated from MECA in 2023, and Katelyn is a sophomore here. More importantly than following in their footsteps, she is interested in completing college credits whilst also in high school. Makenna is a very motivated freshman and aspires to go far in her life and academics. She believes she can accomplish this by taking as many college classes as she can here at MECA.

One factor that Makenna admires most about our school is the close-knit, peaceful community. “I like how close our community is, compared to other schools that have too many students so you can’t interact with everyone,” she says. It is evident that Makenna values an environment in which personal connections are apparent.
Makenna has also been involved in the Associated Student Body (ASB) since she attended Walnut Grove middle school. Makenna only being a freshman and showing this much commitment to ASB is very impressive and truly reflects her determined character. ASB secretary Julia Pollard says “Makenna is very motivated, and positive. She definitely takes after her sister Katelyn.”
For Makenna, being involved with ASB is about far more than simply fulfilling an elective. It’s about making a difference within school grounds. “I was in ASB at my previous school and wanted to continue it here. I really liked helping organize school events and making them fun,” she shares.
Makenna also has a love for math. This is shown by Makenna jumping to Integrated three, a junior-year math class. Although not positive yet, Makenna would like for her career to be centered around math. Makenna also said she has even considered teaching and becoming a math professor. While uncertain about which college she wants to attend, she is aware that no matter where she attends math will always play a significant role in her future.
“I did Integrated two math over the summer so that way I could bump up to Integrated three. I did it to get it out of the way, and I also like math”.
Not only does Makenna succeed in her academic life but also in her social life. Makenna has many peers and friends who value her company and time. Fellow Freshmen here at MECA, such as Leyna Tran, admire how supportive and a good conversationalist Makenna is.
“Makenna is super supportive in everything I do. Makenna is also super duper funny and I really like her humor,” Freshman Leyna Tran said. “She knows great ways to keep a conversation going.”

Outside of school, Makenna also has a wide range of interests. She was once ice skating and dancing. However, Makenna also loves watching the latest Marvel movies! Specifically about Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange is a very well-known and beloved superhero, so it is easy to see why Makenna also loves his movies. Although Makenna loves his movies, the superhero, Marvel’s Vision, is her ultimate favorite.
Appearing in “Avengers Age of Ultron”, “Captain America; Civil War”, “Avengers End Game”, and “Avengers Infinity War” Makenna has seen them all. Yet despite all the other characters Vision still stands out most to her. Makenna says “Vision is my favorite because I love his backstory”. She continued to explain how he was someone who held a lot of power yet, he always chose to do the right thing for humanity. Overall Makenna admires Vision’s compassionate attitude.
When it comes to music, Makenna isn’t picky about what she listens to. However, some of her favorite artists are Mitski and Beabaddoobee. “I like Mitski because of the emotions, poetic lyrics, style, and voice she has.” The same goes for Beadaddoobee. Another singer that Makenna mentioned is Natalie Jinju. Who Makenna likes because of her Jazz songs and incredible vocals.
She started pursuing piano at a very young age due to the influence of her mom. However, Makenna’s real passion for her instruments started within her middle school band class. “My teacher inspired me to become better at piano, taught me how to play my baritone, and introduced me to my cello teacher,” she says.

Overall, Makenna Chung is not only a bright, smart individual but also a kind hearted and well rounded person. With many goals and interests in her life, there is no doubt that Makenna will progress and achieve whatever her heart desires.