Young Entrepreneurs of Southern California: Changing the World, One Step at a Time

Image by @bettertogethersweets

Featuring Angeline Lam, this photograph was posted onto the “Better Together Sweets” Instagram platform.

In order to support charitable organizations during these troubled times, young individuals including Angeline Lam have sold various products through social media. Since June 5, 2020, she has donated over $10,000 to Los Angeles Regional Food Banks and COVID-19 relief programs by selling jars of banana pudding as a young entrepreneur based in San Gabriel Valley. Angeline strongly “believe[s] that with the power of social media and strong community we can make a difference.” As her business expands and flourishes, Angeline Lam wishes to “continue…bring[ing] joy through our dessert jars [and] allowing people to share special treats with family and friends. We hope our business continues to grow so we can make a bigger impact through our donations to our local community.”

According to Angeline Lam, “[My fiance and I] started making banana pudding to fundraise for charitable causes during the pandemic. As our small business continue[s] to blossom we want to keep that same foundation and make an impact big or small in our community.” Overall, she has supported a multitude of charitable causes, including COVID-19 relief programs, the Black Lives Matter foundation, COVID-19 Solidarity Response Funds, and Los Angeles Regional Food Banks. In order to further establish equality, comradery, community, peace, and contentment, Angeline wishes to support other organizations, including “local charities, small business[es] and individual[s] who will appreciate any help during this time.”

Displaying products, this photo was posted to the “Better Together Sweets” Instagram platform. (@bettertogethersweets)

Angeline Lam remarks, “we are very fortunate to still have our jobs during this pandemic[; however,] we are aware that there are others who are not so lucky. We want to utilize the extra time we have [in] quarantine to help others.” Additionally, Angeline believes “social, racial & global issues” are especially prevalent in modern ages. As these global issues escalate, Angeline strives to “help bring awareness through our social platform. We can also donate to fund resources to help these issues [and] inspire others who wish to start their own business to go for it! We also want people to know that you can make a difference big or small.”

Angeline Lam understands how various individuals lack awareness of global issues and obstacles. In order to restore the recognition and awareness of global difficulties, Angeline wishes to inspire younger individuals whilst aiding those in need. Students at Mt. SAC Early College Academy, Gianna Ngo and Kayla Nguyen possess strong beliefs concerning regional issues, global challenges, and supporting distressed individuals. Currently, Gianna Ngo is serving as the ASB Secretary of Mt. SAC Early College Academy and aspires to “make sure everyone has a voice with what happens at [Mt. SAC Early College Academy]. I want to make sure as many people as possible are happy at this school and feel heard, whether the topic is about schoolwork or events like house competitions!” According to Gianna, “I believe anyone can make a difference with the global issues we’re experiencing. With covid [sic], just wearing a mask can save lives. It can protect yourself and everyone else around you, as well as prevent the spread [of] the pandemic. With racism, there are many ways to make a difference, such as educating yourselves and others, signing petitions, making donations, or attending protests. There are many ways to prove change in society with global issues we are all experiencing.”

Unlike Gianna Ngo, various students are not involved with organizations such as ASB; however, they may still participate in forming a welcoming and enjoyable academic environment. Kayla Nguyen is not affiliated with student organizations such as ASB, nevertheless, she possesses strong beliefs against social inequality, discrimination, poverty, and the support of others. According to Kayla, “As for [issues such as] social inequality and discrimination, I am 100% against it. I cannot comprehend how people can dislike and harm others for things that are out of their control. Everyone should be treated like a human, no matter their sexuality, race, religion, etc. I think we need to start from the problem and dismantle stereotypes and conforming ideas (like for example, boys shouldn’t wear feminine clothes) and shutting down people who try to push their harmful ideas [upon] others.” Angeline especially wishes everyone to realize “It starts with the individual to educate theirselves [sic] with current issues, make daily decisions to make a difference.” Though Gianna Ngo, Kayla Nguyen, and Angeline Lam maintain unique beliefs and opinions, they all believe the issues of the current world may be mended through the continuous support of all individuals.

What have you done to improve the lives of those around you? As Angeline Lam so clearly expresses, “You might not be able to resolve the whole problem but you can do your part to make a difference big or small. Making a difference starts with yourself and daily decisions, habits & thoughts.” Like Gianna Ngo and Kayla Nguyen, you may also make a difference through your actions, beliefs, and aspirations. Big or small, “there is [no] limit to positive impact, because one small positive deed can lead to so much more.”