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Freshman Friday – Kaitlyn Sanchez

Freshman Kaitlyn Sanchez practicing her  moves for the soccer match against Coronado High School.
Freshman Kaitlyn Sanchez practicing her moves for the soccer match against Coronado High School.
Image by Victoria Romero

Outgoing freshman Kaitlyn Sanchez is ecstatic about attending Mt. SAC Early College Academy, which she first heard about from her mother. Some of her soccer friends were also attending MECA, so once hearing about attending she was excited to be a student here. 

Some things Kaitlyn wants to achieve at MECA is to get good grades (all A’s and B’s) and to start using the opportunity to take the college classes that this school offers. Kaitlyn loves all her classes, although her favorite is definitely art. She plans on taking Art 2 next year with Mr. Barriga. She is also really excited for the future spirit weeks to come so she can show off her school spirit.

In her free time, Kaitlyn plays soccer and has been playing for about four years now, starting in middle school when her friends started to play too. There her love for soccer grew, she explains, “I love the sport because it’s fun and entertaining.”  She is currently playing on the MECA soccer team, and her and her teammates play undefeated. 

Kaitlyn is overall happy to be here at MECA and is ready to overcome any obstacles that crosses her path as she will be balancing her soccer life and her school life as she prepares for college classes at MECA. Kaitlyn is delighted to be a student here and can not wait for the future years to come.

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