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Freshman Friday – Dashaughn Bynum

Freshman Dashaughn Bynum reading his book in the media center.
Freshman Dashaughn Bynum reading his book in the media center.
Image by Victoria Romero

Dashaughn Bynum is a lively, cheerful freshman here at Mt. SAC Early College Academy (MECA). He first heard of our amazing school through his mother, and although he does have a brother (sophomore Daceius Bynum) who attends the school, Dashaughn’s interest in our school started to grow as he researched more about MECA. 

“I started to do a bit of research about the whole entire school and started getting a little bit interested in the activities and college courses that were offered,” says Dashaugn. “I was mainly excited once I saw that they [offered] college courses because I did not know when hearing about it from my brother that they did any kinds of college courses.”

As he attends MECA, Dashaughn would like to achieve good grades and during his sophomore year of high school he plans on taking some college classes that MECA offers. Although he is unsure of his future and what’s to come, his College Career Readiness (CCR) class taught by Lauren Yao has helped him tremendously. Now he is starting to think about his future and his further education.  

“I started to look up how people get accepted in colleges and how you need to have many things in order to get accepted into college… you need to get a variety of things done before you can even go into college,” Daushaughn says. With these new opportunities, he is starting off slowly, taking it step by step in hopes to achieve his goals and lead him on the path to a successful life.

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Along with loving his classes, he always enjoys many other things MECA offers, including the food served, “I like the food in the mornings because they usually taste amazing, and it is a quick bite I can get in the morning when I’m not full at home.” Dashaughn also loves the welcoming environment here at MECA.

Dashaughn partakes in many activities both at school and outside of school. One of the clubs he joined was Dungeons and Dragons club (DnD). When he first heard of the club, he was excited to join and couldn’t wait to go to the club meetings. Outside of school, he loves to bake and cook, which he has enjoyed ever since he was a kid. “I’ve always been interested in how people cook and how they use their creative imagination to create all sorts of delicious food.” 

Excited for the years to come, Dashaughn is grateful to be attending MECA. He is ecstatic for the clubs and the happy memories he will make!

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