Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Senior Decision Day

On May 12th, 2023 the back of the school was alit with rainbow colors, flowers, and bluebirds. The occasion? Senior Decision Day, the day where our senior class announces the colleges they will be attending after graduation. This year, the theme was “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”! Seniors enjoyed candy, conversation, and karaoke, bookending the grand announcements of their colleges. The celebration guaranteed every student to leave with a smile on their face.

Following the event, senior Nathan Alquicira remarked, “It felt nice to lift each other up and celebrate everyone’s future endeavors.

Despite the laughs, there were also some tears as graduation swifly approaches.

“Just seeing the seniors all in one classroom for the last time was so bittersweet and brought back all the memories from the last four years,” counselor Claire Contreras gushes.

All in all, this year’s Decision Day celebration was most certainly one to remember!


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  • (left to right) Asrar Mohamed, Katrina Miller, Mya Hoil, Marcus Minor, Michaela Chung, Francine Callanta, Armie Hermogeno, and Breanne Soriano pridefully display their colleges.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • Isabel Enciso and her little sister pose for a photo.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • Michaela Chung and Isabel Enciso show off their college flags.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • Angel Mancinas and Natalie Berganza-Rodriquez steal the spotlight for a round of karaoke.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • (left to right) Lynette Vasquez, Maya Quintero, Sebastian Gonzalez, Jessica Sanabria, and Isabel Enciso enjoy eachother’s company.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • Nicolas Galicia and Jaden Nguyen showing off their college flags.

    Image by Mac
  • Counselor Claire Contreras takes the stage to announce the seniors’ colleges of choice.

    Image by Ma
  • The senior class applauds as their peers are called to accept their flags.

  • As Vice Principal Tomoko Price presents the flags to each senior, Gerhard Lopez gazes wistfully toward his future ahead.

    Image by Ma
  • Emily Martinez makes her way to the front, her friends cheering her on.

    Image by ma
  • Our proud class of 2023!

  • (left to right) Breanna Soriano, Francine Callanta, Asrar Mohamed, Marcus Minor, Armie Hermogeno, and Michaela Chung joke around near the stage,

    Image by m
  • Isaac Lichtman proudly shows off his college flag.

    Image by ma
  • Annette Tucker and Brittany Ruvalcaba share a friendly hug beneath the Decision Day event entrance as Triana Limon snaps a photo.

    Image by ma
  • Isabel Enciso and Sebastian Gonzalez perform an epic karaoke duet of Careless Whisper for the seniors.

    Image by ma
  • Nicole Li bravely steps on the stage to sing A Million Dreams.

    Image by ma
  • Seniors enthusiastically cheer for the karaoke performers.

    Image by Ma
  • Andrea Pedrosarias and Gabriel Nichols gossip near the Decision Day entrance.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • The senior class of 2023 throw around ballons as they wait for the Decision Day Celebration to begin.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • Sebastian Gonzalez announces his plans to tour with his band after graduation.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • Eliza Vasquez and Stephanie Balanzar embrace eachother beneath the Emerald City rainbow.

    Image by Gloria Amador
  • Isaac Lichtman marvels at the flag of his college.

    Image by Ma
  • Triana Limon accepts her Fullerton flag.

  • The senior class let out a howl.

  • The seniors howl to the sky in celebration.

  • Tiffany Wilcox kicks off the Decision Day karaoke.

    Image by ma
  • Joseph Jamie raids the Decision Day candy bar.

    Image by ma
  • (left to right) Ariff Moreno, Nicole Li, and Justin Mayoralgo eagerly take their college survival kits.

    Image by ma
  • Justin Mayoralgo joins Nicole Li on the stage for an unforgettable karaoke performance.

    Image by ma
  • Isabel Enciso, Jonathan Guerrero, and Paulina Davalos show off their colleges of choice.

    Image by Gloria Amador