Prom Boutique Ad 2023

Story by Hannah Ramirez, Editor in Chief: TimberTV

The Prom Boutique hosted by Peer Leadership at MECA has been used since prom of 2022. The prom boutique is a formal dress drive created by student Jessica Sanabria, a current senior at MECA.

The prom boutique was created with the purpose of recycling dresses and aiding students in need of help finding formal wear. Jessica Sanabria started this project and has been running the prom boutique since early 2022 in partnership with Peer Leadership. The boutique has been successful in receiving formal wear and giving out formal wear to the student community.

MECA’s students have always cared about the environment and this is apparent through the recycling bins available on campus and the water fountains that could be used to refill water bottles. This was a way for students to be able to recycle their formal wear they no longer use and recycle it for another student to be able to use and cherish. Formal wear varies in price points, however it’s always nice to be able to save money on something you are likely to only wear a few times a year. 

The prom boutique will be open every Friday for the entire month of April outside of Ms. Hoffman’s classroom next to the media center. The prom boutique is open every Friday for the month of April in the morning from 8:45am- 9:30am. Dresses are able to be taken home to be tried on and if they don’t fit students, they are able to return them back to Ms. Hoffman’s classroom.


Countdown for Mt. SAC Early College Academy's Prom 2023