Heading to Camp: Hannah Ramirez accepted into prestigious J Camp at USC

Image by Ms. Bell

Hannah Ramirez, the incoming Editor-in-Chief of TimberTV, looks forward to her summer at USC.

Story by Abigail Vargas, Writer

Out of hundreds of applicants, junior Hannah Ramirez was selected to attend the prestigious J Camp held this year at the University of Southern California.


The program is hosted by the Asian American Journalists Association from July 23 – July 29 and focuses on communication, leadership, diversity, ethics and networking in journalism.


The program is all-inclusive to those deserving students who are accepted, and as such, it is a competitive application process.

“Historically, we accept 42 students each year. However, with COVID-19 and other considerations, we are planning on accepting around 25-30 students for 2022.”


Hannah was encouraged to apply for the program by her journalism teacher, Courtney Bell. “Hannah is a very talented journalist who has grown a lot in the three years that I have known her as a student.”


Hannah, as part of The Academy Chronicle, was introduced to JCamp. “To begin, I was offered the opportunity to apply through the Journalism program,” Hannah explained. “She wrote me an amazing recommendation letter which I submit to the program.”


Along with requiring a letter of recommendation, “the application included some short answer questions about how Journalism helped me get better.” Hannah was also encouraged to submit a copy of her past works in Journalism. “I think having a good relationship with the [Academy Chronicle] program helped me get in.”


Hannah is excited to learn all she can from JCamp with all of its different Journalism subjects. “It will talk about website editing, interviewing, broadcast and, of course, writing.”


But what is is most enthused for is knowledge to be gained with Broadcast Journalism. “I am excited to learn all the new techniques that I will bring back to Mt. SAC’s program.”

This year, Hannah was the associate Editor for the TimberTV News Broadcast, and next year she will be the Editor-in-Chief.


Ms. Bell explained, “This program is going to benefit not only Hannah, but all of the Journalism students who she will be mentoring next year.”