Image by Jackson Barrett

Gabe Metzgar drop kicking the soccer ball

Freshman Friday | Gabe Metzgar

Gabriel Metzgar is a friend, an athlete, and an enjoyable person to be around.  He considers himself to be very determined and relentless.  He is the oldest of his six siblings and a very social Freshman student at Mt. SAC ECA.  

He definitely sells his personality short, Gabriel believes he is “incredibly unfunny even when I try hard to make people laugh” while his friend Freshman Jeremy Cardona believes “He is nice, kind, and funny.”  The two will often play soccer and Clash Royale together, when hanging out with each other at lunch.

Gabriel is someone who just doesn’t give up he stated, “I will try my hardest at something in order to succeed” and his goal in life is to “Be the best person I can possibly be, trying my hardest at everything I do.”  This goal also closely relates to his biggest fear of not getting the opportunity to accomplish everything he wants in life.  

Gabe and friend and fellow ninth grader Sebastian Martinez celebrate Gamma in the November 5th House Competition. (Image by Ms. Bell)

As a kid he wanted to be a police officer.  Until later in his life when he realized that a police officer isn’t the only job for him that changed, he currently isn’t sure what he wants to become but he hopes to have success in whatever career path he chooses. 

 While he is very active and always eager to do something he likes to sleep when he is stressed or sad, he said “ For me personally sleeping helps because when you are dreaming you get to be at peace and relax.”  

In the end, Gabriel Metzgar is excelling as a freshman at Mt. SAC ECA and is definitely someone everyone should build a friendship with.

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