How To Make Friends In A Week (A Reference)

Image by Adela Angulo

Vintage Letters to be delivered to friends and companions.

Story by Samantha Ordanes and Adela Angulo

Starting a new school year is challenging. That’s where having friends to support you during these tough times can help. In the week of Sep 27, 2021 there were opportunities to create new friends and celebrate the old during the new event called Friendship Week! 

Friendship week was hosted by Mt. Sac ECA’s Peer leaders. The mission of Peer leadership is to “make everyone feel like they belong and that they’re valued and appreciated and that everyone has their unique place in our school,” said Ms. Hoffman, the Peer Leadership Advisor. 

Since last year’s freshmen, now this year’s sophomores, didn’t get the chance to make many connections as they normally would their freshman year due to Covid-19, the peer leaders wanted to “to give people the opportunity to meet others and have some new friends,” Marcus Minor, junior and peer leader said. “It is just bringing the whole community together,” added Armie Hermogeno, another junior and peer leader. Friendship week was also a way for students to celebrate old friends.

The week was composed of one main event per day. Each day, there was something to strengthen the students’ friendships or create new ones with their peers.

On Monday and Wednesday, vintage cards were sold, one dollar for two cards, to write down anything students would like to say to dear friends, whether it be a funny inside joke or a sweet confession of adoration. On Friday, the students had their cards delivered to their friends during class by the peer leaders of the Peer Leadership group. 

Hafsa Shafiq senior picking out a letter to write a message in and give to a companion. (Image by Adela Angulo)

The peer leaders hoped to create connections other than by phone or text “hence old school, snail mail letters and friendship bracelets,”  Ms. Hoffman explained.

Tuesday was a great day to dress your best, make fun poses and capture memorable pictures with friends against the beautiful backdrop created by peer leaders.

Ms. Hoffman said that the backdrop took a solid week to complete which was about half the time that the planning of the event took.

Friendship bracelets are a great way to let companions and others know how much friendship means to people.

On Wednesday and Thursday, there were tables set out where students created these bracelets with their friends. 

To this day, many students and their friends are seen wearing their bracelets and proudly showing off their friendship.

On the last day of Friendship week, Friday, there was a small picnic in front of classroom two where the students were able to eat together in a comforting space under the warm sun and fresh air.

Andrew Lattin, Marcus Minor, and Angel Mancinas Juniors dancing during their hearts out as they enjoy Peer Leadership’s picnic on Friday. (Image by Ms. Bell)


“Everyone seemed to love the picnic so I think we are going to do that again because it was easy and fun and nice to be outside and sit in the grass with people,” said Ms. Hoffman,“So I thought it was fantastic, especially for our first event.”  Being able to just sit and enjoy lunch with friends was a nice way to end that week of compassion.

Though this was the first year that Friendship week was held, Armie Hermogeno and Marcus Minor ensured that it is definitely not going to be the last.

Ms. Hoffman says that Peer Leadership is, “Just trying to get off the ground right now,” so students should look out for the exciting events that are in the future. “We have some fun ones coming up.”

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  • Marcus Minor junior with other students picking out vintage cards

    Image by Adela Angulo
  • Stephanie Balanzar junior giving Sebastian Gonzalez and Jessica Sanabria juniors beads and string to create friendship braclets.

    Image by Adela Angulo
  • Isabella Zepeda junior writing on a vintage letter kind thoughts

    Image by Adela Angulo
  • Students helping others pick out cards for their friends.

    Image by Adela Angulo
  • Andrew Lattin, Marcus Minor, and Angel Mancinas Juniors dancing during their hearts out as they enjoy Peer Leadership’s picnic on Friday.

    Image by Ms. Bell
  • Students picking out cards to write letters to their friends

    Image by Adela Angulo