Charting a Course for Success – College Courses on Campus

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  • This image is of Canvas, which is the online portal you will be using to access your college courses.

    Image by Annie Tran
  • This image shows the college course, Rock Music History from Mt. SAC college.

    Image by Annie Tran
  • This image shows the college course, Spanish 2 at Mt. SAC college.

    Image by Annie Tran

From 10th grade to 12th grade, various college courses from Mt. SAC College are available for MECA students. Incoming sophomores will be able to take their first college courses, but what should they take? How can they do well?

This image shows the college course, Spanish 2 at Mt. SAC college. (Annie Tran)

“This school year I am taking Marine Biology 20 and Spanish 2 for Spanish speakers. Marine Biology covers the biology of the sea,” says incoming junior Victoria Ramirez. “Spanish 2 is a class for students more advanced and fast paced in learning about the language and culture of Spanish.”

Knowing which courses to take is just the first step to success, and Mt. SAC ECA students sure know how to succeed.

“I’d advise to any students taking these college courses next year or thinking about…to do their homework ahead of time. I would say don’t wait till the last minute and always take the extra credit when offered even if you don’t need it,” says Ramirez.

Another important advice is, “When taking college classes it is very important to not complete your assignments last minute. At times college professors give many assignments a week so it is crucial to stay on top of your work because it will start to pile up,” says incoming junior Samantha Ordaz.

What college courses are available? Here is a complete list:

This image shows the college course, Rock Music History from Mt. SAC college. (Annie Tran)

The college classes available for incoming 10th graders include: Anthropology (ANTH 5), History of Rock & Roll (MUS15), Marine Biology (BIOL 20), Spanish 1 (SPAN 1) / Spanish 2 (SPAN 2), and Trigonometry (MATH 150) / Precalculus (Math 160).

The college classes available for incoming 11th graders include: Anthropology (ANTH 5), History of Rock & Roll (MUS15), Marine Biology (BIOL 20), Spanish 1 (SPAN 1) / Spanish 2 (SPAN 2), Trigonometry (MATH 150) / Precalculus (Math 160), Italian Cinema (ITAL 60) / Sociology (SOC 5), Speech (SPCH 1A), and Calculus (MATH 180) / Calculus (MATH 181).

The college classes available for incoming 12th graders include: Anthropology (ANTH 5), History of Rock & Roll (MUS15), Marine Biology (BIOL 20), Trigonometry (MATH 150) / Precalculus (Math 160), Italian Cinema (ITAL 60) / Sociology (SOC 5), Speech (SPCH 1A), Calculus (MATH 180) / Calculus (MATH 181), Freshman Composition (ENG 1A) / Critical Thinking (ENG 1C), and African American Politics (POLI 35) / Women in American History (HIST 36).

Something to note about college courses is that they are only a semester long each. Also, for the courses that have slash lines, it means that you must choose both of those classes. You cannot simply take one or the other.

While there could be more options later on, as of now, these are the courses available for incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.