Earth Day 2021

Artwork by Everett Alquicira.

Earth Day 2021 was the 51st anniversary, and the theme was, “Restore our Earth.” This theme advocates for fighting against climate change and advancing green technologies. With over 1 billion people actively celebrating Earth day, this theme preaches unity to help make the world a better place.

Earth day is an environmental celebration that the population engages in every April 22. This global event promotes planting trees, picking up litter, and spreading awareness about pollution, deforestation, and climate change. The goal of Earth day is to encourage action for a cleaner environment and to create global and national policy change.

Ms. Hoffman, former horticulture advisor, is passionate about supporting the environment, especially through composting. She explained, “Everyone has this misconception that composting is either hard or smelly – not true. It is literally the easiest thing to do, and one of the best ways to support the environment.”

Composting is the microbial procedure of recycling leaves, grass clippings, food scraps, and other organic material to improve the quality of the soil. Compost is a natural fertilizer for gardening that feeds soil with microorganisms and nutrients that enhance plant growth.

The earth is happier when we choose to recycle! (Kaila Stephen)

Composted soil benefits the environment because it reduces the amount of residential waste in landfills, reduces the impact of commercial chemical fertilizers, and preserves water. Altogether, composting is useful for gardening and helps the environment, making it a convenient bargain.

When asked about how they support the environment, freshman student Gabriella Jacobo said, “My family and I support the environment by recycling and using reusable products, like reusable bags, lightbulbs, food containers, water bottles, etc.”

Every day changes like these are the most impactful in the long haul. Making simple adjustments in your routine like using reusable products, recycling, driving less, shopping wisely, and conserving water can build up over time and help reduce your environmental footprint

The one thing our society can agree on is having a healthy and vibrant environment that reinforces biodiversity. Ms. Hoffman put it best when she said, “Every day should be Earth Day! We all live on this incredible planet, surrounded by beautiful nature.”