The epicness that is Mr. Janadi, science teacher extraordinaire!

Image by Mr. Janadi

The epicness that is Mr. Janadi, science teacher extraordinaire!

Staff Spotlight | Mr. Janadi

Before going on summer vacation we would like to end the year with an article to appreciate Mr. Janadi! He is a MECA teacher that teaches Physics and Chemistry and is widely known for his passion for teaching and care for his students.

Mr. Janadi was raised in West Covina for the majority of his life and growing up, he was homeschooled until middle school. He went to Hollencrest Middle School and then to West Covina High School. Throughout school, he had always loved the sciences and wanted to learn more about them.

“When I was young, in high school and college, I majored in biochemistry and so I just always loved learning about nature and the universe. And I also love to share that knowledge because I’m very passionate about it. And so, teaching was the perfect profession for that,” says Mr. Janadi expressing his love for science and teaching.

Within the Mt. SAC Early College Academy “12 Months of 2020” compilation, Mr. Janadi features his two children! (Mr. Janadi )

Outside of school, he lives with his wife, his two children, and his two dogs. His close family also includes his parents, sisters, and his grandmother. He likes to play with his kids, read, teach at his church, and he used to play hockey! He also loves to learn new things that are not limited to only science such as philosophy, theology, and history.

“I think the common theme in my interests is [that] I have this insatiable desire to understand the world and the truth and so of course, physics especially, and theology and philosophy all are a quest to understanding the truth of the universe,” says Mr. Janadi explaining how his interests relate.

By going to college and becoming a teacher, he was able to fulfill his goal of spreading the knowledge of the natural world and understanding of the universe and yet, there are many more areas he wants to grow in.

Mr. Janadi knows what it is like to go through life facing challenges when it comes to his education, his career, and his family. Since he has experience in life, he can also relate to some of what we students are going through or been through in our youth. Even he has been instructed by others in his life.

Mr. Janadi at the October Fall Car Parade. Can you guess what pun he dressed up as? (Ms. Bell)

For starters, his parents and grandmother taught him important lessons like taking personal responsibility and being independent. Another important thing he has learned is valuing education and striving to succeed and excel in it. Other important values include valuing family and faith.

Mr. Janadi has been teaching at MECA for two years and there are things that he adores about it such as its community and supportive atmosphere.

“Having such a small community where everybody is very supportive of each other for example, the staff we’re all very close with one another and we’re supportive and we help each other out. Then of course the students, [we’re] being able to connect in a much deeper, more meaningful way with students than teachers can at most other schools,” says Mr. Janadi giving his thoughts about the MECA community.

Mt. SAC is grateful for having a remarkable teacher such as Mr. Janadi. Teachers and students alike all appreciate the contributions he makes to the school and he is just an overall good person who loves to educate. We love our teachers and we hope Mr. Janadi sticks around in the long run.

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