Anime News

Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, Jet Black, & Ein watching  Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV being a master at hacking.

Image by Shinkazo Screenshot

Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, Jet Black, & Ein watching Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV being a master at hacking.

Cover image of main characters from Jujutsu Kaisen. In the Middle is Itadori, to the left are his classmates Fusiguro and Kugisaki and to the right is their teacher Gojo. (News Phim screenshot)

This has been a difficult year, but never fear for new anime releases are here! This October, Jujutsu Kaisen’s first season will be coming out.

Sophomore MECA student Nathan Alquicira says, “I’m kind of excited about it. From what I heard it’s kind of similar to Tokyo Ghoul which a few of my friends have seen”

Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese Manga series that currently has 13 volumes. THis story is about Yuji Itadori who is very athletic but would rather just chill with the Occult Club. (occult means the practices of magical and supernatural phenomena). He soon finds out that this club is very real once his club members are attacked. While all this is going on, the peculiar Megumi Fushiguro has been tracking down a special-grade cursed object, his investigation leads him to Itadori.

Nathan also says “I’ll definitely make sure to watch it when it comes out.”

We also have season two of Dr. Stone, The Promised Neverland, Demon Slayer, Plunderer, Dorohedoro, Cells at Work and maybe even Devils Line coming out the beginning of 2021. Of course those are just a few of the new shows that will be coming out, lots of people are excited for other things.

Kelen Trieu, junior at MECA is looking forward to “ Heavens Official Blessing! The story was made by the same person who wrote Mo Dao Zu Shi, and I think the animation style looks really cute.”

Brittany Ruvalcaba, sophomore at MECA is “looking forward to the release of Attack on Titan Season 4”

In early 2021 to some of your surprise there will be a live action Cowboy Bebop series starring John Cho as SPike is planned for release in early 2021.

The Cowboy Bebop live action series was first announced in 2017 but there were many delays. John Cho who will be playing Spike ended up getting a serious knee injury during filming.

Kelen says “I’ve heard lots of good things about Cowboy Bebop though, so lets hope Netflix does it Justice.”

the producers, Jeff Pinkner & Marty Adelstein, and series writer Javier Grillo-Marxuach, have been teasing the series progress.

That’s all for today’s showcase. Thank you for reading.