The Pros of Studying Physics, from Mt. SAC ECA Students and Staff

"Physics," an image with many formulas and tools commonly found in the fundamental science.

Image by Screenshot from Facebook account "Kings of Physics"

“Physics,” an image with many formulas and tools commonly found in the fundamental science.

Physics, a branch of science from the physical sciences, is generally held in a negative light or view by most students due to its heavy emphasis on mathematics; many Mt. SAC ECA juniors and members of the staff, though, believe the usefulness of physics is great and learning the subject itself has many benefits.

Mt. SAC ECA students complete a chemistry experiment in Mr. Janadi’s class. (Mr. Janadi)

Many juniors are currently taking physics this school year, learning from Mr. Janadi, the chemistry, computer programming, and physics teacher here at Mt. SAC ECA; two fundamental areas of physics that juniors at Mt. SAC ECA will be learning include classical mechanics, which narrows in on the motion, forces, and energy of objects, and electromagnetism, which highlights the electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic fields within the world. This subject is known to be daunting and challenging, though the rewards of studying physics are definitely worthy, regardless of its difficulty.

To verify this, many statements from Mt. SAC ECA students and staff have been gathered to express how they believe physics is very beneficial.
Physics teacher Mr. Janadi believes taking this course is “beneficial in so many ways.” The influence physics has on “pretty much all of modern technology and our modern way of life,” the way “studying physics prepares students for a host of rewarding careers,” and it’s giving of “essential skills… such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and perseverance in the face of challenges,” are only a few of the benefits students obtain while learning the fundamental science.

A velocity-time graph, commonly used in physics. (Screenshot from “the Physics Classroom”)

Many students also believe that there are advantages to studying physics.

Kenneth Pham is a junior currently enrolled in Mr. Janadi’s physics course. He believes one pro to studying physics “is that it helps problem-solving. You have to think to solve some problems.” This is especially true in physics due to the heavy mathematical component, such as solving for variables based on graphs or finding the final velocity using kinematic equations.
Kaila Stephen is another junior taking Mr. Janadi’s physics class. She not only agrees with Kenneth’s and Mr. Janadi’s belief in physics’ ability to enhance problem-solving skills, but is also certain of the bountiful job prospects studying physics can give: “You’re able to think outside of the box for a bit and apply different strategies to solve the problem… Mr. Janadi explained in class that it can also help you become a doctor.” Not only can studying physics lead to careers in medicine, but engineering, education, the public sector, and computing/IT.

Although the benefits of studying physics are many, students may generally hold an unfavorable attitude regarding physics. Mr. Janadi believes this to be because of physics’ concepts that are somewhat difficult to grasp: “You can’t really love and appreciate physics if you don’t understand it,” Mr. Janadi said. To secure a love and passion for the subject, Mr. Janadi recommends “[putting] more time and energy into studying than [students] do for many other subjects. Once students can grasp what the equations actually mean in the real world, then I think they will develop a deep fascination with the subject.”

“A Roadmap to the Milky Way,” an artist’s concept of the galaxy that Earth inhabits and where physics’ laws apply. (NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech))

The fundamental science, more commonly known as physics, focuses on the forces and motions of the world, with a large scope; this scope ranges from the tiny subatomic particles to the vast largeness of the universe. This science is, essentially, the study of matter and energy. Physics not only focuses on the scientific nature of the world, but also the mathematical explanations for the forces that exist throughout the universe.
To build a better knowledge of the subject, students can go to Khan Academy to watch videos on physics concepts they are struggling with, or go to the Youtube channels “Professor Dave Explains” and “Bozeman Science” for additional physics lectures and practice.